Redwood Falls Sportsmen’s Club Spring 2024 Newsletter
Winter is almost half way over and we are making plans for the coming year. That includes shooting events for the summer, the annual banquet, and general operating activities.
2024 Membership
The cost of membership has increased to $55. Operating costs have increased the last couple of years. We have not had an increase since 2015. With that being said we had a total of 450 members this last year. If you renewed already this year or did renew last year you will not be getting a hard copy in the mail.
Banquet March 16th, 2024
One of the challenges for the banquet is scheduling. To avoid many conflicts the Banquet this year is 16 March at St Catherine’s. We appreciate your replies if you are attending. It is always a challenge to plan on how much food to provide. Of course, we have been able to sell the extra servings and will be doing that again. In addition to the prizes on the raffle tickets we are having several more prizes the night of the banquet. We are also having a silent auction again. As always, we are looking for volunteers to assist in the kitchen.
But wait, there are other changes as well. The price of the raffle ticket is changed from $1.00 to $5.00. However, the value of prizes has also increased. Instead of two firearms there are now five firearms. Another change is we are not mailing out the raffle tickets. It was discovered that in doing so is in violation of Postal Regulations. You can order and pay for the tickets and we will mail you the stubs. Raffle tickets are available at the Sporting Good Counter at the Redwood Falls Running’s, River Valley Arms and Ammo, and Committee Members. Give us a call and we’ll deliver or arrange for pickup the quantity you desire. Tickets are also available at the Banquet.
Defensive Pistol League
The Defense Pistol League starts out the last Tuesday in April. This is an introduction match and free. You are invited to come out and try your hand. There are two stages of fire. The following Tuesday starts the season. The cost is $15 a night or $100 for the season. All you need is a pistol, magazines, a safe outside the waistband holster, magazine holders (optional) eye and ear protection. Round count for the night is approximately 50 rounds. There are three stages of fire each night. Mark it on your calendar and come join the fun. If you would like to sponsor the league this year, please contact us.
National Rifle League (NRL)
Plans are in development for National Rifle League matches. These NRL matches are designed for engagement of various targets, in different positions, at different ranges with 22RF. There are 4 to 5 courses of fire and each course of fire requires the competitor to fire ten rounds in a two-minute time period.
Other Shooting Events
Check out the calendar on the website for other activities at the range such as the Coyote Match, trap shooting and other events. Trap fees for the coming year are $6.00 for adults and $4.00 for Juniors. We would love to see some mixed teams this summer. Work group, church group, neighbors.
Sportsmen’s Club Apparel
We are offering for sale t-shirts, sweatshirts, and hats for sale through Hansen Advertising on our website here: To save on shipping costs, you can have the items sent to River Valley Arms and Ammo and pick them up there or you can have them shipped to your address for an additional charge.
Sweetman Sanitation Donates Service
Trash pickup has been changed to Sweetman Sanitation. The Sweetman’s are local and are club members donating their services.
Range Maintenance Volunteers Wanted
We’ve had people ask what they can do to support the range. Would you be interested in adopting a range and assist in maintaining it? You have seen how the 50 yard range backstops take a beating. There are some supplies in the range shack that can be used. You can also be reimbursed for supplies with receipts. You need to use your own tools. Contact Larry or Steve for more information.
3D Archery Volunteer Wanted
We are still looking for someone to manage the 3D Archery Program. If you are interested let us know.
DNR Youth Firearm Safety Course
This year’s Hunter Education/ Firearm Safety begins 5 March and conducted Tuesday and Thursday night 6-9 PM at the Redwood Falls VFW. The field day is scheduled for 4 May. The Redwood Sheriffs are assisting in the classroom and field day. Are you interested in assisting with Hunter Education/Firearm Safety training? This is an excellent way to give back to the community.
Club Officers: President Steve Whittet, Secretary/Treasurer Larry Weidell.
Board Members: Dale Cramer, Tom Morley, Heather Koffler, Marcel Kruger, and Pete Weis.
By sending in your membership early, the membership committee will not have to contact you. Thank you.
Club gate lock entry combination will change 15 April 2024
_____Membership – $55 (tax included)
Name: ________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: _________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ________________________________________
_______# Attending Banquet
_____Not Attending Banquet
_____Prefer to get newsletter by email
Email address: _______________________________________________________________
Raffle Tickets – $5 each

Mail to: Redwood Falls Sportsmen’s Club, PO Box 104, Redwood Falls MN 56283, renew online, or drop it off at Running’s or River Valley Arms and Ammo
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