We are looking forward to spring arriving. There are lots of activities planned for the coming year. There is a little something for everyone. Come join the fun.
A newsletter and raffle tickets are being mailed out to everyone. You can renew online, at River Valley Arms and Ammo, the Sporting Goods counter at the Redwood Falls Running’s, or mail it in.
The Banquet this year is on Friday, 14 April. We have lots of raffle tickets available. Sorry, no online sales, found out that it isn’t allowed. Send in return mail stickers if you want to purchase more tickets with your payment and we’ll affix them to the stubs. And put them in the bin. You can also wait till banquet night. If you are attending or not able to attend, please let us know so we can get a good headcount for the evening. Speaking of the banquet our usual crew is getting smaller in size and needs help. If you can assist in the kitchen show up a little early if possible.
Rimfire Wednesdays are one Wednesday a month, April through October. Steve is planning on alternating rifle and pistol stages each month. One of the planned matches is a CMP Rimfire Sporter, just not sure what month.
Defensive Pistol League is having an Introduction night April 25th with two stages. This introduction event is free. The season begins May 2 and runs every other Tuesday through September. There is going to be three stages of fire each night. Round count is going to be 50-60 rounds. All you need to an outside the waist holster, magazine pouch (optional), eye and ear protection. Oh, and a pistol with at least one extra mag. If you would like to be a sponsor for the League the cost is $250 and you get your name/logo on the League t-shirt, the Banner on display, and recognition on the Sportsmen’s Club Facebook page.
Coyote matches using the ShotMarker are set for June 10 and October 28. This is a two-person team shooting ten rounds each at 200 yards and 300 yards, at a 600 yard reduced target. You get instant feedback of your shots using a smart phone or tablet.
Military Firearms Day is June 24. Come out and share your collection with other enthusiasts. This event is still in the planning stages and may change. Consult the events calendar.
Cowboy Monday’s are held one Monday a month, April through September. This is an introduction to Cowboy Action Shooting. Three gun with old style six guns, lever action rifles, and double barrel shotguns.
Trap shooting continues to be Tuesday & Thursday nights starting in May with League beginning in June. Form a team or come out as an individual.
The 3D archery shoots are in need of a volunteer(s) to organize and run the events. If you would like to take on this challenge let us know.
Members are conducting Hunters Ed/Firearms Safety Training begins March 26. Sign up is through Redwood Falls Community Education. If you are interested in sharing your skills and experiences become a volunteer Firearms Safety Instructor or are a trained instructor and able to assist come join the group teaching our young hunters. Contact us for more information.
Improvements were made to the 4-H air rifle and thanks to grant/match programs.
Club Officers: President Steve Whittet, Secretary/Treasurer Larry Weidell. Board Members: Dale Cramer, Tom Morley, BJ Tersteeg, Heather Koffler, Marcel Kruger, Bob Rohlik and Pete Weis.
Annual Banquet
We can’t wait to see you Friday April 14th at 6:30pm at St. Catherine’s Catholic Church in Redwood Falls for our Annual Banquet. Be sure to join us that evening for food, fun, games and prizes. Pulled pork and turkey will be on the menu by popular demand. There are great Raffle ticket prizes this year. We also have more prizes available to have a chance to win that evening. A special thank you to all of our sponsors and volunteers that make the banquet possible!
Please RSVP for the banquet on the 2023 Membership Renewal form with how many will be attending in your party.
Shooting is Fun! Be safe on the range. Follow the four simple rules: Remember to always treat every firearm as if it were loaded, keep the gun pointed in a safe direction, always keep your fingers off the trigger until ready to shoot, be sure of your target both in front and beyond it. Additionally, wear eye and ear protection, never use alcohol or over the counter or prescriptive drugs while or before shooting. Please clean up spent casings and trash. If you see something in need of repair or that may be a safety hazard, please report it to a club officer, board member, or committee member.
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By sending in your membership early, the membership committee will not have to contact you. Thank you.
Club gate lock entry combination changed after the Annual Meeting
_____Membership – $45 (tax included) Name: ______________________________________
_____Raffle Tickets – $1 each Address: ___________________________________
_____# Attending Banquet City/State/Zip: _______________________________
_____Not Attending Banquet Phone Number: ________________________________
_____Prefer to get newsletter by email Email address: __________________________________
Mail to: Redwood Falls Sportsmen’s Club, PO Box 104, Redwood Falls MN 56283 or renew online
Give us a “Like” on Facebook and visit our website: www.rwfsportsmensclub.com
Which range(s) will we find you at? Rifle_____ Pistol_____ Trap_____ Archery_____ Other_____
What other activities would you like to see at the club? _______________________________________________