Spring has sprung and we are ready to go shooting. Lot of activities are planned for the coming year. Come out and join the fun.

Redwood Falls
Sportsmen’s Club

34813 Laser Ave.
Redwood Falls, MN 56283

The Club has established an Endowment Scholarship with generous donations from Tom and Matt Morley and others, in memory of former club member Gordy Jensen for graduating Redwood River HS Seniors. Applicants must be involved with shooting sports or conservation programs. The #3 Trap House is completed. This permits additional High School trap shooting. We are anticipating hosting between 70 to 80 HS athletes again this year. Improvements to the 200/300-yard range are complete. There are a few soft spots after rains so use your better judgement before driving downrange to set up targets and tearing up the newly seeded grass. The Sportsmen’s Club is again sponsoring the MN DNR Hunter Education Firearm Safety Course. If you are interested in participating as an instructor/volunteer let us know. We are always looking for volunteers to assist with Hunter Education. The dates for the class this year are Tuesdays and Thursdays in March 10, 12, 17, 19, 24, and 26 and a field day Saturday, 28 April 19. If you are interested in becoming a Certified Instructor there is a class being conducted by the MN DNR on 3 April. Contact us for more information. We are always looking for volunteers to assist with other activities at the range. Items like running a match, setting up 3D archery targets, and range maintenance to name only a few. Don’t forget we have trap shooting for everyone on Tuesday and Thursday nights starting in May. This year we would like to encourage local businesses, other organizations, and individuals to form trap teams for recreational shooting this summer. Other than the cost of the clay targets, $4.00, there are no additional fees. This is a great family activity that can be enjoyed by all ages. The Archery Committee plans to conduct 3D shooting events again this summer. June 6-7 and August 22-23. Cost is $5 for members and $10 for non-members. We are conducting a Military Issue Rifle day. The club is hosting the event 27 June. This event gives you a chance to bring out that old rifle that has stored way back in the closet and show it off and even shoot a few rounds. Let us know if you are interested and come out and join the fun. Defense Pistol Matches are going to be conducted the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the on the starting in May through September for a total of ten nights of shooting. A free introduction match is scheduled for 28 April 19. Come out and shoot it and find out what is planned for the rest of summer. Cost is $10 a night or $80 for members if you pay for all nights in advance. Round count is between 30 and 40 rounds. Sign up begins at 5:30 PM. Some fun side matches are planned for some nights using only small carry guns or using lights. There are two weekend matches scheduled for July 11th and August 29th. Cost is $35. Round count is between 60-80. Rimfire Wednesday is also returning the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month May through September. A couple of the dates are different due to schedule conflicts. Check the web page for exact dates. A variety of challenging courses of fire are planned for each match. Cost is $5.00. Sign up begins at 5:30 PM We are conducting the Coyote match the first Saturday in June (6) and October (3). This is a two-man team shooting any rifle any sight, shooting ten shots each at 200 yard and 300 yards on the ground. No lead sleds and there are different divisions. We are using electronic targets so you can see the results instantly on your cell phone or tablet. $20 per team. There can never be enough safety on the range. Shooting the pistol steel targets with a centerfire rifle cartridge in an AR pistol or any rifle is NOT safe. It also damages the frame and that creates unsafe conditions for others. When shooting steel pistol targets, it is a very good idea to wear safety glasses and don’t get closer than seven yards, 10 yards is better. Do not leave loaded firearms unattended. All shots should impact the berm, shooting at the ground causes ricochets. Please be responsible and ethical. If you see a problem that needs attention, please let us know. The banquet this year is 18 April, 6:30pm, at St Catherine’s Catholic Church. Pulled pork and pulled turkey is on the menu. The number of people attending has been increasing every year. We can use a couple of volunteers to assist in the kitchen, selling raffle tickets, processing membership cards, to name a few tasks. Please let us know on the renewal form how many are attending the banquet. Included on the renewal is a survey question about what range(s) you use to help us prioritize our resources. Our main prize this year is your choice of a Bushmaster XM-15 rifle, Ruger Mark lll .22 target pistol, or CZ-712 semi-auto shotgun, $100, $50 Cash, and a Wildlife Print. You do not need to be present to win. If you are the lucky winner of the firearms and not present, you can pick up your prize at River Valley Arms and Ammo. Other prizes are drawn at the banquet. Tickets are $1 each. If you desire to purchase more, you can include extra funds and return labels that will get affixed to ticket stubs when you send in your membership renewal or buy them the night of the banquet. We are also planning on having other prizes and items available at a silent auction. In advance we want to say thanks to all our sponsors and volunteers who make the banquet possible. Once again, a big thanks goes out to Bob Rohlik for grounds maintenance, Pete Weis and Gene Malecha for road and range maintenance, and everyone else who made the effort to keep the range safe and clean. Several anti-gun bills have been introduced to the Minnesota Legislature and in the US Congress. Please stay informed and let your Senators and Congressman/Representative know your position. https://collinpeterson.house.gov https://www.smith.senate.gov https://www.klobuchar.senate.gov [email protected] [email protected] Club Officers President: Steve Whittet Secretary/Treasurer: Larry Weidell Board: Dale Kramer, Bob Rohlik, Tom Morley, B. J. Tersteeg, Pete Weis, Heather Koffler ----------------------------------------------------------Cut Here----------------------------------------------------------- 2020 MEMBERSHIP ~ REDWOOD FALLS SPORTSMENS CLUB By sending in your membership early, the membership committee will not have to contact you. Thank You! Shooting Range gate lock entry combination changed after the Annual Meeting. ___ Membership - $45 Name________________________________________ Tax included Address______________________________________ City/State/Zip_________________________________ ___ Raffle Tickets - $1ea Phone No.____________________________________ Email address__________________________________ Newsletters issued twice yearly. If you prefer to get the newsletter via email, please check ____ Mail to: Redwood Falls Sportsmen’s Club, PO Box 104, Redwood Falls MN 56283, or sign up online Give us a ‘LIKE’ on Facebook and visit our website www.redwoodfallssportsmensclub.com Number of people coming to the banquet ________ I will not be attending the Banquet ____ Which range(s) will we find you at? Rifle___ Pistol____ Trap____ Archery___ Other___ I would like to volunteer contact me at _______________________________