Redwood Falls Sportsmen’s Club News
Spring 2016
Happy New Year to everyone. Needless to say we are all looking forward to Spring arriving. Our Annual Banquet is just around the corner. Save the date, 9 April 6:30 pm at St Catherine’s Catholic Church. Do you have an item you would like to donate for the silent raffle? Give Steve or Larry a call. Proceeds go to making things better at the range. We are also raffling a Ruger a 10-22 donated by Tersteeg’s and River Valley Arms and Ammo along with cash and many other prizes.
Safety is always a concern. We have lots of new and old shooters, of all ages. Everyone needs to practice safe gun handling. It is not something we are born with. Safe gun handlings skills are learned and practiced. Some people are taught by family members. Others received instruction some by NRA 4H, or other organization instructors. Still others learned firearm safety in the military. Consequently, the terminology may vary but the message is always the same. Treat every gun as if it were loaded, never point the gun at anything you don’t want destroyed, don’t put your finger on the trigger till you are ready to shoot, be sure of your target and what is beyond it. Then there are those who were sleeping during a course of instruction or developed bad habits over time. Don’t be that guy! One more thing. Don’t get too close to the pistol steel when shooting. The targets have been known to return lead to the sender. Wear your safety glasses!
Training improves performance. Before that big hunt out west, an exercise program a month or two before is a good thing. Why wait for a hunt? Get a exercise program going for the summer! How about drawing your concealed firearm from concealment? Practice this with an unloaded firearm. Then go to the range and try it. In the competition world there is a saying, Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Practice a couple of different positions, then some magazine changes, shoot two-mag change-shoot two. Watch some videos, maybe take an advanced class. Avoid one of those life lessons, the kind where you get the final exam first and then you learn how you could have done it better.
When sharing a range inform the other shooters know when you are going hot so they can don their ear protection. When going down range to put up or look at targets, unload your firearm and leave the action open or case it. When someone is down range, don’t handle your firearm. Even better, stand back from the bench. Reverse the situation. Do you want to be down range while someone is messing around with a firearm?
In general things have been going great on the range. We do our best to keep the trash receptacles empty so you can fill it up with spent casings, shotgun hulls, and targets. Occasionally someone has had to clean up the mess made by someone else. If you bring out large pieces of cardboard and other pieces of junk please take it home with you.
We have had issues with the use of Tannerite and other exploding targets in the past. To prevent any other problems, the use of Tannerite and other exploding targets is prohibited.
A large part of the club property is enrolled in CRP. This spring we are going to burn off those areas. The result this summer should be some an interesting mix of grasses, forbs, and flowers. The burn is required to get rid of excess fuel, small trees, weeds, and to improve the health of the prairie grasses.
We are always looking for ways to improve the range. With a gift from Pheasants Forever, we are going to build a Pollinator Plot. This new planting is proposed to be put in along the west side of the property adjacent to the road. What is a pollinator plot you ask? It is a planting of flowers and grasses that benefit pollinators (bees, birds, butterflies, etc) and brood rearing habitat for quail and pheasants. The prep will be this spring clearing the area. Seeding a cover crop, donated by Monsanto, then planting the pollinator seeds in the fall. Another project in the planning is an additional pistol bay to the left of the current pistol bay. Are you interested in helping out? Let us know.
High School Trap continues to grow in popularity. This spring we are again seeing Echo Charter HS, Wabasso HS, and for the first time Redwood Falls HS. Last summer over 5000 students participated in the state shoot at Alexandria. This coming year they are projecting 8000.
We are still looking for folks who want to compete and shoot for fun. Rifle, pistol, shotgun, men, women, and youth. Tuesday is trap night. River Valley Arms and Ammo are also sponsoring Women’s Night the first Wednesday of the month in May, June, and July. We are also going to have a couple of CMP Rimfire Sporter matches.
Introduce a friend to shooting this year. After all, shooting is fun and who doesn’t like having fun with friends.
Club Officers
President: Steve Whittet
Secretary/Treasurer: Larry Weidell
Board: George Mashing, Bob Rohlik, Tom Morely, B. J. Tersteeg, Pete Weis
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By sending in your membership early, the membership committee will not have to contact you. Thank You!
Shooting Range gate lock entry combination changed after the Annual Meeting.
___ Membership – $32 Name________________________________________
Tax included Address______________________________________ City/State/Zip_________________________________
___ Raffle Tickets – $5 Phone No.________________________________
Email address__________________________________
Newsletters issued twice yearly. If you prefer to get the newsletter via email please check ____
Mail to: Redwood Falls Sportsmen’s Club, PO Box 104, Redwood Falls MN 56283
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