Check out the league trap shooting on Tuesday and Thursday nights to sharpen those shotgun skills! No experience required. $6 for 25 targets. A trap ticket can be purchase for $25 for 150 targets/6rounds of trap.
We would like to encourage you to form a team and join the league shoot. The best 12 of 14 scores are used. Best of all there is no fee other than the cost of clay targets.
The Redwood Falls Sportsmen’s Club sports three trap ranges. We have a great time shooting on Tuesday and Thursday nights!
Each team has 5 or 6 shooters per team. Each team member will shoot 12 rounds throughout the season. One round is 25 clay targets. To sign your team up, contact Steve Whittet at 507-430-6536!
We host two local HS trap teams. They usually shoot rain or shine, sometimes when it is snowing on Sunday afternoons in the spring and fall.
You can set up your own thrower or hand throw targets. Targets hit or missed should land in the tall grass. Please don’t use the trap houses as targets.
Practice starts in May. June-August is the regular shooting season.